David's Astronomy Pages

Image Database
Bullet 2010 Objectives/Targets
Bullet 2009 Objectives/Targets
Bullet 2008 Objectives/Targets
Bullet 2007 Objectives/Targets
Bullet 2005/2006 Objectives/Targets
Bullet CCD Imaging
Bullet Drift Scan Imaging
Bullet FWHM Analyses
Bullet Astro Image Workbench
Bullet Saturn
Bullet Variable Stars
Bullet  [ Software ]

2010 Objectives/Targets

Some key observing targets for 2010 are listed in the table below.
As in previous years a selection of objectives/targets have been defined in order to focus and prioritize observing sessions for the year.

Target Notes Outcome
Variable Stars
 (representative example of each type of variable)
Continuing programmes
Variable Stars including Light Curve Results

Particular new project variables for 2010 are
  eclipsing binaries

Additional observing target

V404 Cyg  (black hole + normal star binary) 7,800 ly distance, mag +19 to +16

Neptune Methane bands 
- A 2010 Nova
New efforts to undertake spectral measurements using Star Analyser 100 building on earlier success in 2008
Spectroscopy Page

Other observing Challenges
- Supernova spectra, Comet Spectra, 
- variable stars SS Cyg, RX And  http://www.astrosurf.com/vdesnoux/catvar/catvar.html 
- Quasar redshift (eg http://www.astroman.fsnet.co.uk/quasars.htm )
- SS433 (V1343 Aql)  http://www.astroman.fsnet.co.uk/ss433.htm 

Objects complementing Distance Ladder Project Nearby Stars Project Page 
- new target for 2010 is Gliese 452b (VB 10)\

Local Group Galaxies and Maffei 1 Group Galaxies


Supernova Light Curve Monitoring SN website  (Rochester Supernova site), pick suitable SN (new/bright/distinct), then monitor light curve buildup/decay  
Supernova Spectra Monitoring SN website  (Rochester Supernova site), pick suitable SN (bright/distinct), Take Spectra and Calibrate/Analyse.  
Variable Nebula Continue programme began in Nov 2007
NGC 1555 on 2007-11-28 (Hind's Variable Nebula)
NGC 2261 on 2007-12-07 (Hubble's Variable Nebula)
Globular Cluster Challenges
- RR Lyr type variables in M3
- Planetary Nebula in M15
a) Detect RR Lyr type variables in M3 globular cluster. Idea from http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~jhartman/M3_movies.html ]. Nice image of M3 taken April 2007  | further nice image of M3 was taken in May 2009. Requires a run of very clear seeing
b) Detect Planetary Nebula (Pease 1) in M15. Idea from http://messier.obspm.fr/more/m015_pease1.html . Requires Ha filter imaging (B-V-Ha)
Dim Object Challenges Quasar PC 1247+340 (redshift 4.897 / Canes Venatici ) discovered in 1991 was for a while the most distant object known. At magnitude +20.4 it requires very long deep image. Image attempt in Mar 2007 reached +18.9 in 15x3 min exposure PC 1247+340 attempt on 2007-03-22 
New scope/camera holds the potential to reach +20/+21 LX200R on clear moonlight night.

Gliese 452b (VB 10) very dim red dwarf 0.08 solar masses (see above)

Other possible targets are  Massive galaxy clusters  - MACSJ0717 :  http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2009/macs/ 
MACS J0025.4-1222: 

Mercury Identify suitable dates,    Probable imaging using UV filter.  
Mars 1Q opposition  
Bright Comet Monitor websites/magazines for new comets  
Near Earth Asteroids None imaged in 2009, increasing priority for this take in 2010.
Monitor www. SpaceWeather.com
Asteroid Rotational Period Select suitable minor planet.  Build additional software routines to aid process.  
M1 Pulsar (CM Tau) Collaborative project to detect and measure the pulsations of the Crab Nebula pulsar
M1/ CM Tau images (Sep 2009) 
Extrasolar Planet
HD 209458b (Peg)
HD189733b (Vul)
XO-1b (CrB)
Make at least one additional exosolar detection during 2010 (building upon 2009 success with XO-2b
Need excellent sky conditions to achieve a successful detection.
Transiting Exoplanets Project Page

WASP-12b - The 12th-mag host star, 670 ly, in SE Auriga
Wide Field Mosaic of  NGC 7000 - North America nebula Narrow field mosaic of NGC 7000 acquired in 2006 and mosaic of IC 5067/5070 undertaken in October 2008 provide encouragement for making a wider field mosaic of NGC 7000  

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2009 Objectives/Targets

Key observing targets for 2009 are listed in the table below.  The objectives/targets were defined to give some focus and prioritization for observing sessions for the year.

Target Notes Outcome
Extrasolar Planet
HD 209458b (Peg)
HD189733b (Vul)
XO-1b (CrB)
Continuing attempt to detect an exosolar planet transit using my LX200 scope
 need excellent sky conditions to achieve a successful detection.
Transiting Exoplanets Project Page

WASP-12b - The 12th-mag host star, 670 ly, in SE Auriga

Transit of exoplanet X02b successfully detected.  Details still to be written up & loaded to website.
Wide Field Mosaic of  NGC 7000 - North America nebula Narrow field mosaic of NGC 7000 acquired in 2006 and mosaic of IC 5067/5070 undertaken in October 2008 provide encouragement for making a wider field mosaic of NGC 7000 Still due to make a large mosaic of NGC 7000 . Several other nebular were successfully imaged in 2009 including Helix, Cocoon, Triffid nebulaes.
Variable Stars
 (representative example of each type of variable)
Continuing programmes
Variable Stars including Light Curve Results

Particular new project variables for 2009 atre

Several programmes were continued through 2009.  Highlights during 2009 were DY per and TT Ari
Supernova Light Curve Monitoring SN website (Rochester Supernova site), pick suitable SN (new/bright/distinct), then monitor light curve buildup/decay No suitably bright/suitably position  SN appeared
Variable Nebula Continue programme began in Nov 2007
NGC 1555 on 2007-11-28 (Hind's Variable Nebula)
NGC 2261 on 2007-12-07 (Hubble's Variable Nebula)
NGC 1555 monitored, but no significant changes noted to date, 
RR Lyr type variables in M3 globular cluster Idea from http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~jhartman/M3_movies.html ]

Nice image of M3 taken April 2007

Requires a run of very clear seeing
No attempt at M3's RR Lyr type variables made during 2009. however a further nice image of M3 was taken in May 2009.
Objects complementing Distance Ladder Project Nearby Stars Project Page

Nearby and distant galaxies

Quality of monitoring of nearby stars for proper motion/parallax upset by switch over from 8" to 12" LX200.

Several additional Local Group Galaxies and Maffei 1 Group Galaxies imaged during the course of 2009. 

Dim Object Challenges Quasar PC 1247+340 (redshift 4.897 / Canes Venatici ) discovered in 1991 was for a while the most distant object known. At magnitude +20.4 it requires very long deep image. Image attempt in Mar 2007 reached +18.9 in 15x3 min exposure
PC 1247+340 attempt on 2007-03-22

Eris - magnitude +19

Most challenging distant dim object target in 2009 was probably Hickson 50, which was successully located and imaged in May 2009.

Dwarf Planet Eris successfully imaged in September 2009
MPL 2003 UB313
 (Dwarf Planet Eris)

MPL 2003 UB313  (Eris / Dwarf Plant ) requires very dark sky/ good seeing.
New attempt to be made with ST-10XME camera/12" LX200R combination (post Mar 2009)

Dwarf Planet Eris successfully imaged in September 2009.   Makemake successfully imaged in November 2009.   
Bright Comet Monitor websites/magazines for new comets Best comet in 2009 was Comet Lulin 
Near Earth Asteroids Monitor SpaceWeather.com
No suitable opportunities presented themselves in 2009 (due to either appropriate timing or sky conditions)

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2008 Objectives/Targets

Target Notes Outcome
Extrasolar Planet
HD 209458b (Peg)
HD189733b (Vul)
XO-1b (CrB)
Continuing attempt to detect an exosolar planet transit using my LX200 scope
 need excellent sky conditions to achieve a successful detection.
Transiting Exoplanets Project Page
Conditions not suited to making any serious attempts.

Time series runs made on other variables to help perfect techniques.
Wide Field Mosaic of  
NGC 7000
- North America nebula
Narrow field mosaic of NGC 7000 acquired in 2006 provides encouragement for making a wider field mosaic  Position of NGC 7000 or sky conditions were not suited for taking a long mosaic run over NGC 7000, however a large mosaic of  
IC 5067/5070 was undertaken in October
ARP Galaxies
(Gallery of different ARP galaxies representative of different types/style of perculiar galaxy)
Project begun in October 2007
ARP Gallery Page
30 additional ARP objects were imaged during 2008 (placed on ARP Gallery Page )
Follow Up images of Galaxies
with previous (pre-2008) Supernova 
Aim to complement 2005-2007 images of supernovae with new images of their respective host galaxy after original supernovae has faded. Several follow up images collected
Mercury Mercury at crescent phase.   Specific dates of max elongation from Sun (evening)  - Feb 22-Feb 28 (2006) No suitable opportunities presented
Only image of Mercury dates from 2007
(Mercury, 2007-05-19)
Variable Stars
 (representative example of each type of variable)
Continuing programmes
Variable Stars including Light Curve Results
Extensive monitoring of several variables during 2008. Several additional variables added to the list. 

Variable Stars

Highlights :
Nova V2491 Cyg,

Variable Nebula Continue programme began in Nov 2007
NGC 1555 on 2007-11-28 (Hind's Variable Nebula)
NGC 2261 on 2007-12-07 (Hubble's Variable Nebula)
Continued taking images of NGC 1555, not detectable changes observed during 2008.
RR Lyr type variables in M3 globular cluster Idea from http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~jhartman/M3_movies.html ]

Nice image of M3 taken April 2007

Requires a run of very clear seeing
No attempt made.
Objects complementing Distance Ladder Project Examples : Wolf 359 (GCVS CN Leo),  Ross 128 (GCVS FI Vir, Hip 57548), Luyten's Star (Hip 36208, BD+05 1668)
Nearby Stars Project Page
Continued monitoring motion/parallex effects
of several nearby stars/star systems.
Quasar PC 1247+340 Quasar PC 1247+340 (redshift 4.897 / Canes Venatici ) discovered in 1991 was for a while the most distant object known. At magnitude +20.4 it requires very long deep image. Image attempt in Mar 2007 reached +18.9 in 15x3 min exposure
PC 1247+340 attempt on 2007-03-22
attempt to image PC 1247+340 was made in February using 15 x 3 min stacked images, but was unsuccessful in reaching the magnitude required to detect the quasar

Supernova Light Curve Monitoring SN website, pick suitable SN (new/bright/distinct), then monitor light curve buildup/decay There were no suitably bright supernova in 2008 for deriving a light curve (brightest SN in 2008 all seemed to be in southern skies !) 

Best SN in 2008 was SN2008ax in NGC 4490 

Bright Comet Monitor websites/magazines for new comets 2008 was a relatively poor year for comets.  Best was 8P/Tuttle (Comets 2008
Near Earth Asteroids Monitor SpaceWeather.com

2007 TU24
on Jan 29th, 2008, 1.4 LD. 400m diam,mag 10
Three NEA objects where observed in January: 2007 TU24 at 1.4 LD., 2006 WJ56 at 10.9 LD, &  1685 Toro  at 76 LD 
MPL 2003 UB313
  (Dwarf Planet Eris )
Requires very dark sky/ good seeing. Unsuccessful attempt made to image 2005 UB313 in Dec 2008

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2007 Objectives/Targets

Target Notes Outcome
Extrasolar Planet
HD 209458b (Peg)
HD189733b (Vul)
XO-1b (CrB)
Specific nights (already on calendar), need excellent sky conditions to achieve detection objectives 
Baseline / reference images taken of new transiting exoplanets. Identified which are most suitable stars for making a transit detection with my 8" LX200  and created an Excel spreadsheet/graphs to show the best opportunities. Compiled a presentation on my attempts to date Exoplanet Detection with an 8” LX200 - Part 1: Preparation shown at my local astronomy society in Oct 2007.
Transiting Exoplanets Project Page
Wide Field Mosaic of  NGC 7000 - North America nebula Narrow field mosaic of NGC 7000 acquired in 2006 provides encouragement for making a wider field mosaic  Suitable opportunity (clear, dark, moonless night, with variable star work completed) didn't present itself during the 2007 season.  Will make a new attempt in 2008.
RR Lyr type variables in M3 globular cluster [ Idea from http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~jhartman/M3_movies.html ] Unable to make a sustained effort to image M3 during 200, through recorded a nice image of M3 in April. It is clear that attempt to spot / follow individual stars in M3 will require a run of very clear seeing.  Possible project for 2008.
AXP Stars 
Monitoring of AXP stars (anomalous X-ray pulsers) for possible outbursts Occasional monitoring of two AXP stars in Cassiopeia during 1H 2007 but no outbursts noted.
Supernova Light Curve Monitoring SN website, pick suitable SN (new/bright/distinct), then monitor light curve buildup/decay Image a number of supernovae in 2007, but none with sufficiently bright or well positioned to record a useful light curve. 
SN 2007le (NGC 7721 in Aquarius) was imaged at a measured magnitude of +13.8 , but lay too low in the sky (altitude <= 26 deg) to consistently image because of cloud/murk or observatory wall.
Other Supernovae imaged during 2007 were 2007s, 2007aa, 2007bm, 2007cm, 2007gi, 2007hj, 2007od.
Mercury Mercury at crescent phase.   Specific dates of max elongation from Sun (evening)  - Feb 22-Feb 28 (2006) Unable to find suitable opportunity to image Mercury through my 8" telescope from its observatory, but did manage to capture an image of the planet through a digital camera in May 2007  Mercury at dusk 
Variable Stars
 (representative example of each type of variable)
1 year programme star(s)
short programmes (over one month)
single night eclipses
Significant observing time devoted to variable stars during 2007, with continutation of monitoring of SS Cyg and the mira stars W And, U And, U Her.  Several new stars added to observing programme in 2007.
Variable Stars including Light Curve Results
Bright Comet Monitor websites/magazines for new comets Comet C/2006 P1 [McNaught] was unfortunately not visible from my observatory and only caught a visual sighting. Other highlight of the year was the dramatic brightening of Comet 17P/Holmes. Other bright comets captured on CCD Images was 8P/Tuttle and C/2007 E2 (Lovejoy)
Comet 17P Holmes 
Comets 2007
Near Earth Asteroids Monitor SpaceWeather.com Made observations of 2007 XH16 - a 565m diameter asteroid which passed by the earth on 2007-12-24 at a distance of 8.1 lunar distance (LD). 
2007 XH16 on 2007-12-22
2007 XH16 on 2007-12-24(25)

Observations also of 2006 VV2 in Apr 2007
2006 VV2 on 2007-04-01
Notes / Reanalysis of 2006 VV2 images
Objects complementing Distance Ladder Project Examples : Wolf 359 (GCVS CN Leo),  Ross 128 (GCVS FI Vir, Hip 57548), Luyten's Star (Hip 36208, BD+05 1668) Nearby stars continued to be monitored for proper motion and parallax 
Nearby Stars Project Page 

Very good dataset developing for Barnard's Star

MPL 2003 UB313
 (Dwarf Plant Eris )
Requires very dark sky/ good seeing. Still awaiting suitable observing times & conditions to observe 2003 UB 313 (Eris), but did mange to capture my first images of a Kuiper Belt Object - MPL 2003 EL61 - in March 2007. I also imaged Ceres recently promoted to a status of a dwarf planet
MPL 2003 EL61 on 2007-03-20
Ceres on 2007-12-05(06)
Mars at Opposition Mars very positioned at Opposition in Dec 2007,  need to swap setup to F/10+Barlow/Eyepiece projection, RGB filters Problems switching over to high focal length imaging due to failure of digital focusser,  however did manage one evening of observing Mars on Dec 19th
Mars on 2007-12-19

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2005/2006 Objectives/Targets

Some principal observing targets for October 2005 - September 2006 period (12 month period) have been selected in order to focus and prioritize observing sessions.  They have been chosen in order to fulfill specific personal goals. The targets are listed below.  

Target Notes Outcome
Mars at Opposition Oct/Nov 2006,  need to swap setup to F/10+Barlow/Eyepiece projection, RGB filters Images :
1) Mars on 2005-11-04 ,  2) Mars on 2005-11-05 
M31 Mosaic Requires one dark night/no moon/no clouds. Check frames for possible infill images before finishing session Acquired a 7 x 12 frame mosaic over two nights in December 2006
M31 Mosaic
Extrasolar Planet
HD 209458b (Peg)
HD189733b (Vul)
XO-1b (CrB)
Specific nights (already on calendar), need excellent sky conditions to achieve detection objectives 

Baseline images HD189733 [2] , XO-1
Baseline images recorded, FOV & reference stars selected.

Awaiting suitable observing times & conditions.

MPL 2003 UB313
 ('10th planet')
Requires very dark sky/ good seeing. Awaiting suitable observing times & conditions.
AXP Stars 
Monitoring of AXP stars (anomalous X-ray pulsers) for possible outbursts Monitoring on several nights - no sign as at Dec 2006
Supernova Light Curve Monitoring SN website, pick suitable SN (new/bright/distinct), then monitor light curve buildup/decay 2006bt light curve attempt, CGCG 108-130 (Apr/May 2006)
Hubble Deep Field 
Very dark sky, optimum seeing. HDF - 2 brightest HDF objects recorded (May 2006)
(Messier Infills)
M81/M82 require use of diagonal mirror to prevent CCD camera crashing against base of LX200 M81 taken with CCD camera at extreme of northern declination limit range (May 2006). but M81 mosaic not feasible. M82 beyond declination limit (option for using diagonal mirror still to be explored)
Mercury Mercury at crescent phase.   Specific dates of max elongation from Sun (evening)
Feb 22-Feb 28 (2006)
Mercury viewed with naked eye/through binoculars, but too low to be visible with telescope from observatory. Earlier viewing prevented by bright sky  and clouds.
Variable Stars
 (representative example of each type of variable)
1 year programme star(s)
short programmes (over one month)
single night eclipses
RT Auriga (Cepheid) light curve (Feb/May 2006) 
HD 5501 Project Page recording variablity in new eclipsing binary
Mira variables  followed - U Her, U And, W And
Suspected Variables Screening (NSV) Lower priority (costly in observing time/low probability of reward), still worth retaining software technique. HD 5513 suspected variable found
Bright Comet Monitor websites/magazines for new comets Comet 73/P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 followed in  Apr/May 2006 
73/P SW-3 fragments,    Fragment B disintegration
Near Earth Asteroids Monitor SpaceWeather.com 1) Attempted MPL 2005 YO128 - no luck
2) MPL 2006 GY2 - 800m diam, passing at 7 LD  (May 2006)
Objects complementing Distance Ladder Project Examples : Wolf 359 (GCVS CN Leo),  Ross 128 (GCVS FI Vir, Hip 57548), Luyten's Star (Hip 36208, BD+05 1668) 1) Distance Ladder (in prep) 
2) Cepheid light curve (Delta Cep) (Jan 2006)
3) Quaser Q0957+561 A/B at  8.5 billion light years distance (Feb 2006)
4) Teegarden's Star - baseline images (Feb 2006)
5) Barnards Star Proper Motion detected (May 2006)
6) 61 Cygni Proper Motion detected (May 2006)
7) Nearby Stars Project Page

Photometry Calibration

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CCD Imaging

My original plans for entering into the field of  future CCD Imaging are described on my Future Steps Page.

Imaging Notes and Experience from imaging sessions and tests are recorded on a series of pages

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Drift Scan Imaging

First attempt at drift scan imaging was made on 2002-01-17. - details

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FWHM Analyses

FWHM have been recorded for a number of observing sessions in an attempt to quantify the seeing conditions from my sub-urban observatory in Dorset, UK. 

Date Session FWHM FWHM range
2002-01-17 S00016    
2002-01-11 S00015    
2001-12-20 S00014 5.3  
2001-12-14 S00013    

FWHM analyses in more detail


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Astro Image Workbench

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Long term observation in changing tilt of Saturn's ring.

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Variable Stars

In 2002-Oct I started a CCD Imaging project to follow the variability of a number of stars. I began with variables in constellations Andromeda, Lacerata and Pegasus. See Variable Stars Project. (2)

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This Web Page: Projects
Last Updated : 2015-05-16
Site Owner : David Richards
Home Page : David's Astronomy Web Site